Classification: Système de chargement et de transport
Pays: Taïwan
Téléphone: ENGLISH: 886-4-2271-0000 | 中文:886-4-22716999
Fax: 886-4-2271-1988
Personne de contact: Bunny Tsai
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Hopper Mounted Vacuum Hopper Loader 

  • BC series  

Use high speed, powerful, single phase commutator motor and is the smallest and the most economical loader in our range. Compact size, light weight, low noise, easy operation and installation, suit to convey one kind of resin or material, can install upon a hopper dryer or molding machine directly. It is ideal for small machines. 

  • BL series 

Easy use by the three phase powerful induction motor. Suitable for medium to large size machines, such as extrusion molding machine. 

Hopper Mounted Auto Vacuum Loader
Model BLZ-6 BC-4 BC-4F BC-3M BC-4M BCPW-4
Conveying Capacity(kg/hr)  300 300 300 300 300 300
Horse Power 1HP 1000W 1000W 1000W 1000W 1000W
3Phase 1Phase 1Phase 1Phase 1Phase 1Phase
Total Power(kw) 0.75 1 1 1 1 1
Approx. Weight(kg) 34 19 20 17 18 28
Hopper Capacity(L) 12 12 12 6 12 12
Dimension(cm) 37x58x73 42x49x59 42x49x59 34x43x70 42x49x77 44x51x78



  • Customized specifications are available upon your early inquiry.
  • We reserve the right to change specifications without prior notice.